Thursday 25 April 2024/
Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Begins 4:05 1:04 5:59 8:18 9:31
Jama'ah 5:00 1:30 6:30 8:23 9:45
Begins Jama'ah
Fajr 4:05 5:00
Zuhr 1:04 1:30
Asr 5:59 6:30
Maghrib 8:18 8:23
Isha 9:31 9:45
FULL Timetable & Calendar

Mosque extension work for Bow Muslim Community Centre.


It is through the grace of All-Mighty Allah (SWT) that we have successfully started on our 3rd floor extension which will facilitate more worshippers to pray in congregation. So please donate generously for this project.
