Friday 14 February 2025/
Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Begins 5:37 12:20 3:23 5:16 6:46
Jama'ah 6:15 12:45 3:45 5:21 7:30
Begins Jama'ah
Fajr 5:37 6:15
Zuhr 12:20 12:45
Asr 3:23 3:45
Maghrib 5:16 5:21
Isha 6:46 7:30
FULL Timetable & Calendar


We are very grateful for all donations made to Bow Muslim Community Centre.
Please donate generously as this ensures that the mosque is maintained properly and the Muslim community benefits from these facilities.

“Whoever builds a masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah builds for him a mansion in Jannah”

(Al-Hadith, Sahih Bukhari).



Barclays Bank Plc, Mile End & Bow Group
Sort Code: 20-57-06
Account No: 00201170