Friday 26 April 2024/
Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Begins 4:03 1:03 6:00 8:19 9:31
Jama'ah 5:00 1:30 6:30 8:24 9:45
Begins Jama'ah
Fajr 4:03 5:00
Zuhr 1:03 1:30
Asr 6:00 6:30
Maghrib 8:19 8:24
Isha 9:31 9:45
FULL Timetable & Calendar

Contact Us

If you would like to contact Bow Muslim Community Centre. Please use the contact details below to send us your enquiry. Thank you.

515B-517 Roman Road, Bow
London E3 5EL
Tel: 0208 983 1661